Meet Megan Kanous
I’ve been an active member of Haisley’s PTO since Fall 2017 in the roles of Enrichment Chair and PTO Council. When we’ve needed a Room Parent, I’ve taken it on or worked collaboratively with others to make sure our students and teachers have extra support throughout the year.
I have served as a Girl Scout Troop Leader since Fall 2019 for both of my kids and their classmates. I love the students, have great respect for our teachers and staff, and have appreciated getting to know many families throughout AAPS.
I loved organizing events such as Walk-A-Thons, Haisley Player’s Productions, Multicultural Night, Science Night and Volunteering at Fosythe’s Fun Nights among others. I truly believe “It takes a Village” and would be honored to continue to serve the AAPS Community on the Board of Education as a Trustee.
Professionally, I have a background in Sales, Retail and Fun for the past 20+ years. I was a former employee of Borders Group and most recently worked for a large board game distribution company for the past 14 years. Building relationships, being budget and numbers minded, while driving towards a common goal are skills that I have and would be an applicable to the role of Trustee as we move forward.
Our Students, Teachers, Parents and Caregivers can all play a role in shaping what Ann Arbor Public Schools look like and we NEED participants.
I am running for the Board of Education because I care about our schools in Ann Arbor and believe that I would be a reasonable voice on the board. My ability to listen, give perspective and consider the greater impact of decisions made while maintaining a respectful discourse with colleagues would be an asset for our community.